Tuesday 14 December 2010

Missing Files and Bondage

"Killed him? Goodness no!" said Toby, laughing. "Just a wee prod in the kidneys. He'll be awake in five minutes or so. Just enough time for me to get the files and finish here." He opened the tool bag and Arthur felt sick all over again - all the work he'd put into the case and all the details he'd amassed … to be taken by Karate Kid here.

"Where's the damned files, Bayly?" demanded Toby, tossing tools out of the box with increasing ferocity. "Another of your diversions, huh?"

"Uh, oh, they were there … should be there … I promise you," said Arthur in confusion. He knew he'd put the files back in the bag at Lord Atkinson's house, he was sure of it. He stood up to help looking in the bag.

"Get back!" yelled Toby. "Stay there!" Don't move!" Then he stopped and looked at the two ladies whose ropes were off. He had the look of a parachutist when he realises there is a rip in his parachute that's growing wider with alarming speed. This was obviously not going the way Toby had planned.

Arthur felt a small surge of pleasure, despite Toby's ability to inflict pain. Toby now had, Arthur realised, three unruly children, a sleeping monster about to wake any minute and no files … something that still mystified Arthur. He knew he had put them in the bag. Then, through the net curtains, he saw something flash past the window. It was gone in an instant but it gave him hope. In his fear and panic he had forgotten that there was another world out there - neighbours, passers-by - and he was not as alone as he had imagined.

"You're so clever, untying everyone, Arthur, I guess you need to be trussed up first," said Toby wearily. "Now, get your hands behind your back and your feet together."

Arthur did as he was commanded, while Toby looked in vain for the ropes he'd used on the ladies. Arthur could see, out the corner of his eye, Dottie was trying very hard to suppress a smile. It infected Arthur who felt at huge giggle rising up, knowing Toby could not find the ropes.

"This is not funny at all!" said Toby in frustration. "Now, where did you put those ropes, Mr Clever Clogs?"

"Uh, I'm not sure now," said Arthur, hoping Toby would not look at the floor behind the curtain.

"Not sure? Not sure!" said Toby looming over him angrily. "You were very sure where you put them a few minutes ago."

"Uh, yes …" said Arthur.

"Look Arthur, there are two ways to do this - the easy way or the painful way," said Toby, obviously working hard to calm his troubled nerves. "Whatever you choose, I'm going to get those files out of here and so you'd better decide which way; that way of pain or the way of gain."

Arthur knew he should have felt threatened but, somehow, he didn't feel Toby really had his heart in the job. He just didn't seem to be a bad or evil kind of person. However, as Arthur reasoned, in the split second it takes to reason anything, he didn't actually know any evil people and how would he know what they were like. Dalek, for example, looked tremendously ferocious and threatening but he gave his all to combat bad men. It was a conundrum - should he stand for good or should he take the easy way out?

 "Under the couch. The ropes are under the couch," said Joan quickly. He looked at her and she smiled and winked at him as Toby dived to the floor and fished around for the ropes which weren't there. Arthur's eye was taken by a flash of movement in the doorway and it was gone. He wondered, with all the stress, if he was losing his grip on life, if he was seeing things that weren't there. He didn't have time to wonder long as Martin's head appeared around the door, cautiously.

Arthur stared, unbelieving, then Martin's vigorous waving reminded him to act a little more moderately, even nonchalantly, which, given the tense circumstances, was a challenge for Arthur.

Toby stopped his frenetic activity and just stood there. Arthur looked at his face and he seemed about to cry or something.

"Bugger damn bugger, Arthur. I'm just not cut out for this," said Toby wearily. "This is just not working and I'm sorry, so very sorry, Arthur … Joan … all of you. I can't do this … Please forgive me …"

To Toby's side, Arthur saw Martin gesturing, again, but Arthur wasn't sure of the message, momentarily, then realised Martin wanted him to stand up. Unsure of why this was a good idea Arthur nevertheless did as bid, prompting Toby to take a step back. At the same time Martin had dived to the floor, on hands and knees, right behind Toby, who toppled over and crashed to the floor on the other side of Martin. Martin leapt upon the prone and stunned Toby and Arthur wondered what to do.

"The ropes, the ropes!" yelled Martin, trying to tame four very lively limbs below him. Arthur faltered, as well he might, considering his lack of fighting and tying-up-criminal skills.

"Sit on his knees, Dad, and tie his feet," yelled Martin as he struggled with the tossing sea of limbs below him.

"Uh, oh, of course," said Arthur, obeying his son immediately. He grabbed the ropes from behind the curtain and leapt upon Toby's flailing knees with considerable panache, got kneed in the testicles, felt an unaccustomed anger arise and fought back with the ferocity of a man with his back to the wall. He received a boot in the face, a twisted and painful finger and his determination (or was it his panic?) lent him the force and agility to have, in double-quick time, the young man's legs trussed up in rather a pleasing combination of ropes and knots. Meanwhile, he was aware that the top half of Toby was faring better than the bottom as Martin let out several oomphs and ows. Flushed with success, Arthur got up to help Martin with Toby's more dangerous zone, just as a shadow filled the doorway.

"I get bad man", said Dalek, quietly, determinedly. His eyes looked black and threatening. He fell to his knees with his shins crashing over Toby's upper arms. Arthur fancied he heard a crack and he definitely heard Toby scream in pain. "You bad man. I give you punish."

"No Dalek! No!" said Arthur, realising what could be in store for Toby. "Just tie his hands behind his back. No need to hit him, Dalek!"

"But he bad man. I punish," said Dalek flatly.

"No punishment, Dalek, just restrain him," said Arthur, with growing apprehension.

"Here Dalek, help me turn him over," said Martin, quickly deflecting Dalek's offensive to something more gentle. There was a shuffling of bodies, screams from Toby and he was quickly on his front with his arms behind his back.

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